Bnai Emunoh Chabad in Greenfield, a growing Chabad community in Pittsburgh, PA, is embarking on a new initiative to open a Yeshiva Gedolah (Zal) for Bochurim entering Shiur Aleph and Shiur Beis.
We are taking applications from Bochurim who have a deep desire to be frum, upright, Chassidishe Bochurim, dedicated to the Rebbe, his vision and way of life. Bochurim should be motivated to grow in learning, davening and determined to keep Sedarim.
For prospective bochurim and parents, we look forward to speaking with you!
Rabbi Friedman 412-980-4798 Rabbi Lerner 213-910-4436
We strive to bring out the foremost skills and talents of each Bochur according to the Rebbe’s directives and expectations. This includes the development of a Bochur as a Shliach - leadership, Chossid - Midos Tovos and Ahavas Yisroel, Yiras Shomayim - Davening and Hiddur Mitzvah, and Lamdan - proper Torah learning.