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The learning in our Yeshiva is organized according to level. Our focus is on the quantity of material, stressing the need for using time properly.
The Maggid Shiur will help develop the bochurim’s skills to become independent learners, reaching their maximum potential.


Our Zal is designed for Bochurim who want to be Chassidim of the Rebbe, for Mivakshei Hashem who want to grow in the journey of Chassidus, Yiddishkeit and life. Bochurim are expected to adhere to all Halachic standards and Chassidishe norms.

Afternoon Seder

Our afternoon Seder is structured with different courses where Bachurim will explore different areas of Torah and Shlichus related knowledge with set Maggidei Shiurim.

Examples can include: Medrashim, topics in Chassidus, Jewish history, Chumash with Mefarshim, Kashrus - Hashgacha, Safrus,  Avodah Sefarim, Girsa, Avodas HaTefilah, Pirush Hamilos.


Our Yeshiva places special emphasis on developing the unique talents that each Bochur has. We encourage the use of music, photography, video editing, professional writing and the like in Avodas Hashem. We look to incorporate and encourage these talents to be used in Hafatzah and Shlichus work.


The bochurim have clean, comfortable arrangements at their dorms and proper, nutritious meals. Our goal is for a Bochur to feel as comfortable and respected in Yeshiva as he would in his own home.


Special emphasis is giving to enhancing the Shabbos and Yom Tov experience of our Bochurim. Shabbos is the nucleus of the week, and should be infused with Chayus and excitement that carries through the entire following week.

Friday night meals are led by a staff member or guest. Shabbos day Farbrengens, and special Melave Malka programs are an integral part of our identity as a Yeshiva.


What type of Bachur are you accepting?

Serious, frum, chassidishe bochurim. 


The Yeshiva will be located in Bnai Emunah Chabad in the Greenfield neighborhood of Pittsburgh. This building contains two Shuls, one that seats more than 200 and the other that seats 50 which will be used as our Zal. Upstairs there are multiple classrooms and offices. There is a large commercial kitchen and dining room downstairs. As well, a brand new Mikva being finished!


Front of Building

Main Shul

Main Shul

Main Shul

Bima Shul

Small Shul

Small Shul

Dining Room

Dining Room

4315 Murray Ave

Pittsburgh, PA 15217

United States of America

Rabbi Friedman 412-980-4798

Rabbi Lerner 213-910-4436

The Yeshiva is with the blessings of Rabbi Yisroel Rosenfeld and under the Mosdos of Chabad of Western PA. The Yeshiva Gedolah also has the blessings of Rabbi Yossi Rosenblum of Yeshiva Schools of Pittsburgh, and will be a fully distinct and independent Mosod.

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